Monday, June 9, 2008

Supermodel of the World

Dee-vahs! How are we? I hope you're all delightfully dazzling! So this past weekend, your girl Elle made her runway debut in the legendary Cornell Simpkins Fashion Extravaganza in the cosmopolitan hub of Northern New Jersey...Newark, darling. Yes, honey it was one to remember. I'll have pics/video at some point but all I have to say is, I walked on the same runway as the one and only, Andre J.! I can totally die now.

Seriously, this is the second of my Models of the Moment that I've met! The first was my first ever Model of the Moment, Miguel Perdomo. I think I'm still reeling from that close God he's hot. Really though, I am manifesting models left and right! This begs the question...who should I manifest next????

Andre in a Marco Hall design